Named after the legendary figure who brought fire to mankind, Prometheus represents enlightenment and progress. Initially conceived as one of D.O.C.K.’s first designs, it underwent significant refinement in 2020, resulting in a more compact size, improved mechanics, and enhanced ergonomics. Now, it is ready to be introduced to knife enthusiasts worldwide.
Purple and Black G10 Handle: Expertly designed for a smooth feel and remarkable durability, ensuring a reliable grip and long-lasting performance.
High-Performance 14C28N Blade: Offers exceptional sharpness, superior longevity, and excellent corrosion resistance, crafted for peak performance.
Everyday Carry: Perfectly engineered for functionality, making it an essential companion for your daily adventures, like hunting, camping and outdoor activities.
Overall Length: 7.61"/193.4mm
Blade Length: 3.29"/83.6mm
Blade Thickness: 0.14" / 3.5mm
Blade Material: Blackwash 14C28N
Blade Style: Drop Point
Blade Grind: Flat Grind
Blade Finish: Blackwash
Handle Material: Purple and Black G10
Color: Purple and Black
Lock Type: Liner Lock
Weight: 3.81oz/108g
Model Name: Prometheus
Designer: D.O.C.K.
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